Kids online education in lockdown
Hello friends, today we will talk about how to teach children during the lockdown. As we know that at this time, due to the first time, the children of most classes have to do online classes. It also has very young children such as class 1, 2, 3 etc. There are many facts to keep in mind while conducting online classes for children.
Reading environment:-
Where the child is doing online classes, there should be enough light.
Keep in mind that the child is not constantly disturbed by any other noise or noise.
In schools, children’s chairs and their tables are at a reasonable height. Try that even when the child sits down to study in the house, his posture is appropriate. He should not sit too much and there is no tension in any part of the body.

Usually, young children do not sit in front of the computer screen for a long time. So as long as online classes are going on, keep in mind, you can buy glasses that filter blue radiation for them. Who will keep children’s eyes safe? Put the blue light filter setting in the screen of the companion computer as well.
Let’s talk about children online :
Try to create a Gmail ID for children. And create a separate account of children on your computer too.
Get children to login to the laptop with the children’s account. Also, whatever class is there in Google Classroom, etc., children should sign in with their Gmail ID.
Also, install a good quality antivirus or total protection software in your laptop. With the help of this software, you can set up somewhere in the children’s account. If how long the child can work in the laptop every day. You can set different hours according to different days. You can give some different time on holidays, you can give different time on the rest of the days when there is school.
If you are thinking of buying a new computer for the child, then if your child is in a small class, then try to buy a desktop instead of a laptop for the child. Young children are not able to take care of the electronic device well and if they take it and keep it in many places in the house, then the chances of damage to the device are enough. Do not give online classes to children on smartphones because their screen is very small and this affects the child’s eyes.
One of the benefits of taking a desktop will also be that at the same price you will get more features than laptops in desktop. Apart from this, you can also change the text of your individual parts (such as processor, RAM, hard disk, SSD, etc.) later. If you decide to buy a desktop, keep in mind that the motherboard will announce these future upgrades. In this way, the same amount of money is more than the lifetime laptop of your desktop. Once the child goes to the big class, then it is possible that he has to do a lot of assignments in the laptop or take notes in the laptop at school. At that time you can get a low to medium end laptop for the child according to your budget. It depends on the child’s school and where the child is studying.
If you do not have a power backup in your house, and the electricity does not come for several hours where you are living, then it is better for you to get a laptop. Because the laptop’s battery usually gives a power backup of 2 to 3 hours.
You should buy a power backup device for your WiFi router to run online classes smoothly. Even if there is a power cut, your WiFi router will remain on and your internet connectivity will remain. These WiFi routers usually provide 2 to 3 hours of backup.
After online classes, encourage the child to read from their printed books. Try not to spend most of the time of studying in front of the computer after the classes.

It is important that you spend time with children, read some books and talk about studies and other topics. Let the books that they want to read on their table remain the same books. Do not keep any other items that can distract the child’s attention, around them.
Make a time table for the child. This time table will only guide you. Keep it flexible. Do not put too much pressure on the child. Because at this time children are not able to meet other children much, so it is also possible that the child may be a little irritable. So spend time with the child. Provide an environment for the child to interact with other friends in his class. Along with this, keep the child talking to his other relative through phone call or video call. This will keep the children energetic and will not feel isolated.
Try to understand things from the child’s perspective. For example, if the child goes to school after one and a half to two years, then his friends can change. The teachers who were teaching the child in the previous class may not be taught by new teachers in the class.
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