Carpel tunnel syndrome and keyboard shortcuts
Hello friends,
In today’s time, the use of computers is increasing day by day. As different industries are coming into online business mode, more and more employees are also working online. This is a very important task in online work, typing in the keyboard. It is needed in various different tasks, such as sending letters, disseminating information, making salary lists, preparing employee lists, preparing business plans , etc . No matter who the employee is, according to his answer rules, he has to do less or a lot of typing every day. Therefore, it is important that we know about the correct method of typing and the precautions that are in it. Along with typing, it is also important that we use the mouse that comes with the computer in the right way. In the use of the mouse, it is important that we do not operate the whole mouse by resting only the back of our palm on the table. Our entire hand should move while operating the mouse.
As we know that in a very large market segment, Microsoft’s software ‘MS Word’ is used for typing. Below we are giving some keyboard shortcuts to the use of this software so that you have to reduce the use of the mouse. This will also increase your typing speed and while working in the computer, there are two posters of your body, which will also be maintained.
Ctrl-C: Copy [Ctrl-C will copy whatever text is selected by the Control C command]
Ctrl-V: Paste [Ctrl-V will also control the control command that is copied on the tickets, now paste it where the mouse is affected]
Ctrl-A: All [Ctrl-A This command will select all the text in your current document]
Ctrl-T: Indent [Ctrl-T With the help of this command you can change the left margin of your paragraph and now what you write will start from a new place in each line]
Ctrl-Q: [Ctrl-Q This command will dismantle the control above and start again from the same place before the new line control is executed]
Ctrl-H: Find and Replace [Ctrl-H This command helps to replace a single text one or more times throughout the document]
Ctrl-G:Goto [Ctrl-G This command will take you to whatever page number you input this command’
Ctrl-I: Italic [Ctrl-I This command will slightly skew the text you type, as you can see in this line that I have selected and made the text Control I Commander]
Ctrl-B: Bold [Ctrl-B This command will thicken the text you type. It is used to write the heading of a paragraph so that it looks different.
Friends, the basic purpose of writing this article is related to your health. Keyboard shortcuts will also improve your typing speed, this is a good thing, but it is very important that you keep your typing style and the way you sit in front of the computer. In the present time, classes of young children and students have also started to be online and children of small classes also spend a lot of time in front of the computer. So try to get blue light eye filter glasses for yourself and for them. And keep an eye on the correct way of sitting and typing of children and give them the right suggestions.
Hopefully, this article gave you some important information that you will be able to benefit from in your life. Do let us know by commenting below.
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