Monthly Archive: July 2021
Hello friends, today we will talk about how to teach children during the lockdown. As we know that at this time, due to the first time, the children of most classes have to do online classes. It also has very young children such as class 1, 2, 3 etc. There are many facts to keep in mind while conducting online classes for children. Reading environment:- Where the child is...
Hello friends, today we will talk about 5G technology. What we know is that over time, new discoveries are being made in different areas. Similarly, communication technology has also seen a lot of progress in the last two decades. For a long time, we were in 1G technology, in which the main phone’s work was for audio communication, that is, to talk . After that, the speed in 2G technology...
हेलो दोस्तों, आज हम वाईफाई टेक्नोलॉजी के बारे में बात करेंगे. यह तकनीक इंटरनेट यूजर्स के लिए एक बहुत ही उपयोगी तकनीक साबित हुई है. कल्पना कीजिए कि अगर यह तकनीक ना होती तो आप अपने पूरे घर में कहीं पर भी बैठकर इंटरनेट का कनेक्शन न कर पाते. आपके घर में जितने भी लोग इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करते हैं, उनको अपना पूरा वर्किंग सेटअप अपने राउटर के पास में...
Hello friends, As technology advanced, new types of electronic devices came into the market. Different electronic devices have utility. Like 20 years ago there were no smartphones, but today smartphones have become a common electronic device. For example, this smartphone has started to be used in many things, for which earlier desktop computers, regular phones, calculators, CD players, etc. were used. That is, a lot of functionality has been put...
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